Home App Showcase

October 14, 2021 2024-03-14 15:53
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Unveil the unique features and simplicity of our app—all in one place bringing spirituality and modernity together seamlessly
Why using our app

Offers a Seamless and Enriching Experience for Users Across Diverse Needs


Organize your sacred journey with precision.


Empower charity effortlessly with us.


Explore wisdom through authentic Hadith.


Divine wisdom at your fingertips.


Simplify rituals with ease and accuracy.


Invoke blessings with curated supplications.
How it works

In 3 easy steps


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"Enriching Your Spiritual Journey: Connecting Hearts and Inspiring Minds"

awesome features

Qibla Direction

For Muslims worldwide, helping them determine the correct direction of the Kaaba in Mecca, Saudi Arabia.

Accurate Qibla Direction:

The app utilizes advanced technology to provide users with precise and real-time Qibla direction based on their geographical location.

Dynamic Location Tracking

Falah employs GPS technology to dynamically track the user’s location, constantly updating the Qibla direction as they move.

Educational Insights

The Qibla Direction section in Falah goes beyond providing a simple arrow. It also offers educational content, explaining the significance of the Qibla in Islamic worship.
awesome features

Quran and Tasbeeh

Going beyond a simple digital representation, Falah provides a multi-faceted experience by offering both the translation of the Quranic verses in Urdu and the option to listen to the recitation through a voice feature

App Screenshots

Embark on a visual journey with unique snapshots of our app's distinctive features.

People who already love us

Easy to follow but incredibly insightful tutorials. Makes learning new software and techniques and real pleasure everyday! Keep up the good work.


Easy to follow but incredibly insightful tutorials. Makes learning new software and techniques and real pleasure everyday! Keep up the good work.

Kevin Kay

Easy to follow but incredibly insightful tutorials. Makes learning new software and techniques and real pleasure everyday! Keep up the good work.

Iruka Akuchi


Meet Our Team

A creative agency like no other

Ohta Kin

Founder and CEO

Atena Stak

UI/UX Designer

Susana Medy


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